Tuition Fees


The value of an education at IAU can be evaluated in many ways. Whether students consider increased professional value, greater earning potential, or personal satisfaction from completing academic goals, students won’t be disappointed with your education from IAU. When comparing quality and cost, IAU is a great option. IAU’s tuition is competitively priced to make achieving a quality education affordable and realistic for the average person.


A student’s education is an investment and one of the most important decisions you will ever make. This enables students to obtain his or her higher education degree, which can translate into higher earning potential, without paying the high cost of tuition one would expect from traditional universities.

Tuition is billed at the time students register for course(s) for each term. IAU reserves the right to change tuition rates. Below are the current tuition rates. The total cost of attendance may vary depending on how many credits are transferred into the program at IAU and other factors that may apply.


Contact IAU today at (213) 262-3939 or email to discuss your estimated total costs, including possible transfer credits and payment options. Our admissions advisors are available to answer any questions you may have regarding IAU’s tuition.


Tuition rates effective for all students starting Spring 1, 2024.

IAULA and IAUMIA Tuition Charges For Entire Educational Program


Program Units Per Unit Full Courseload Semester Academic Year (2 Sem) Program Tuition App* STRF* Student Activities Fee** Graduation Petition Total Program Fees
ESL/Pathway 36 $225 12 $2,700 $5,400 $8,100 $125 $20 $50 $50 $8,345
Certificate 45 $300 12 $3,600 $7,200 $13,500 $125 $35 $50 $50 $13,760
Associate Degree 60 $300 12 $3,600 $7,200 $18,000 $125 $45 $50 $50 $18,270
Bachelor Degree 120 $300 12 $3,600 $7,200 $36,000 $125 $90 $50 $50 $36,315
Master Degree 36 $400 9 $3,600 $7,200 $14,400 $125 $37.5 $50 $50 $14,675
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) 60 $425 9 $3,825 $7,650 $25,500 $125 $65 $50 $50 $25,790
Doctor of Management (DM) 42 $450 9 $4,050 $8,100 $18,900 $125 $47.5 $50 $50 $19,172.50


* Non-refundable.

**Only applicable to campus students.

IAUWM, IAUOC & IAUSD Tuition Charges For Entire Educational Program


Program Units Per Unit Full Courseload Semester Academic Year (2 Sem) Program Tuition App* STRF* Student Activities Fee** Graduation Petition Total Program Fees
ESL/Pathway 36 $225 12 $2,700 $5,400 $8,100 $125 $20 $50 $50 $8,345
Certificate 45 $225 12 $2,700 $5,400 $10,125 $125 $25 $50 $50 $10,375
Associate Degree 60 $225 12 $2,700 $5,400 $13,500 $125 $35 $50 $50 $13,760
Bachelor Degree 120 $225 12 $2,700 $5,400 $27,000 $125 $67.5 $50 $50 $27,292.50
Master Degree 36 $350 9 $3,150 $6,300 $12,600 $125 $32.5 $50 $50 $12,857.50
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) 60 $375 9 $3,375 $6,750 $22,500 $125 $57.5 $50 $50 $22,782.50
Doctor of Management (DM) 42 $450 9 $4,050 $8,100 $18,900 $125 $47.5 $50 $50 $19,172.50


* Non-refundable.

**Only applicable to campus students.